These are some of my favorite websites that are grounded in Biblical truth:
- Wretched; “Amazing Grace. Amazing Gospel.” You can learn hermeneutics, theology, apologetics, and much more. Wretched releases a 60 minute radio episode and 30 minute TV episode every business day. Not really any written material, but excellent radio episodes. You can find Wretched Radio on just about any podcast app.
- Grace To You; “Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time.” This website is John MacArthur’s and has quite a few resources; including devotionals, sermons, John’s blog, a Bible commentary, etc.. If you want quite a bit of written material to supplement your Christian walk and help you grow in your faith, this website is for you.
- Answers In Genesis; A majorly apologetics-based website that has just about everything you would ever need to defend your faith.
- Got Questions; “Your Questions. Biblical Answers.” This site takes your questions and answers them Biblically. This site is made up of written articles, but they have audio versions of most of them.
- Challies; The website of Tim Challies. Author, blogger and book reviewer. Lots of written material that covers today’s hot topics.
- The Holy Bible; Last but certainly not least, the Bible. God’s word to man. No other website can compare to the document that was inspired by God Himself.