Biden Official Caught Not Wearing Mask on Amtrak

Hmm… Another pro-masker who pulls down their mask when no one is looking. You know, you might start to think that these people don’t really care about wearing masks. That perhaps, maybe, they’re just theater. Banish the thought, you treasonous deplorable!

From The Washinton Free Beacon:

Biden administration official Samantha Power violated federal law on Friday by riding an Amtrak train without a properly positioned face mask. Photos obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show the USAID administrator texting on her phone with a mask covering her chin, which the CDC has identified as incorrect and potentially dangerous.

In case you were wondering, this is a federal offense. From Amtrak:

Federal law requires all customers and employees to wear a mask at all times while onboard trains and in stations, regardless of vaccination status or state or local laws. Refusing to wear a mask is a violation of federal law; passengers may be subject to penalties under federal law, denied boarding, removed from the train and banned from future travel in the event of noncompliance.

Of course, given that this person is a Liberal, we likely won’t see anything about this on the mainstream media. Now if this were a Trump official (fortunately, I don’t use AWS, so I won’t get de-platformed for using bad orange man’s name), this would be plastered on the home page of every major news organization. We’d see immediate calls for resignation of said official. However, this person is part of the Biden administration that can do no wrong. Except for Afghanistan. Even CNN admitted that.

And, honestly, does anyone want to follow this law? Certainly not. Who would want a dirty piece of fabric strapped to their face for hours on end? But its frustrating to see such blatant hypocrisy yet again. Because if your a Leftist, you wear masks because you care about other people’s health. And apparently, Powers doesn’t really care about the health of whoever’s beside her.

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